string(21) "Wednesday,+February+5"
Wednesday, February 5
string(14) "Consideration+"
string(325) "With+everything+running+smoothly+in+your+world,+you+can+afford+to+watch+out+for+the+well-being+of+those+around+you+and+lend+a+helping+hand+to+people+you+think+may+benefit.+Be+diplomatic+and+say+how+it+would+be+a+pleasure+to+assist+in+any+way+you+can.+If+you+needed+help,+you+too+would+appreciate+all+the+support+you+can+get.+"
With everything running smoothly in your world, you can afford to watch out for the well-being of those around you and lend a helping hand to people you think may benefit. Be diplomatic and say how it would be a pleasure to assist in any way you can. If you needed help, you too would appreciate all the support you can get.