Or enter your birthdate

string(19) "Wednesday,+March+12"

Wednesday, March 12

string(21) "Strains+and+tensions+"

Strains and tensions

string(350) "You+feel+oversensitive+and+anxious,+and+life+does+not+run+as+smoothly+as+you+would+like.+Uncomfortable+with+this+situation+you+get+worked+up+over+the+smallest+of+incidents.+Don't+upset+others+over+something+trivial,+you+only+regret+this+later+and+realize+how+foolish+you+have+been.+Avoid+any+arguments;+don't+let+your+feelings+knock+you+off+balance.+"

You feel oversensitive and anxious, and life does not run as smoothly as you would like. Uncomfortable with this situation you get worked up over the smallest of incidents. Don't upset others over something trivial, you only regret this later and realize how foolish you have been. Avoid any arguments; don't let your feelings knock you off balance.

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